Welcome to InfraHedge
Managed Accounts are steadily becoming an investment structure of choice for institutional investors and allocators as they increase their hedge fund exposure. Enhanced transparency, control and independent governance combined with bespoke liquidity and investment terms are proving increasingly attractive.
The InfraHedge platform is built on principles of neutrality and open architecture for a wide range of hedge fund strategies and managers chosen by an investor. Our managed account infrastructure is specifically designed for institutional investors who wish to create their own Separate Account or Managed Account programs.
The InfraHedge product is offered by State Street Bank and Trust Company, a subsidiary company of State Street Corporation (NYSE:STT) and part of its Investment Analytics Product Group. The InfraHedge team specialises in building and operating industrial strength infrastructure solutions for institutional investors in hedge funds.
We bring decades of experience in building efficient financial operations infrastructure that aims to deliver accuracy and completeness. We combine this experience with a deep understanding of operational issues faced by institutions seeking to make hedge fund investments.

Managed Accounts
Managed Accounts provide increased transparency and control to institutional investors …
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InfraHedge services are delivered by an experienced team and are designed to provide clients with increased flexibility to manage ….
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We aim to provide platform investors and managers with easy access to its key personnel and provide coverage in all relevant ….
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